You have a chance to record your views formally and make this claim evidencebased by completing our online evaluation at. Sapc trent regional conference tuesday 25 march 2014. The printed programme book is only available on request. South west society for academic primary care regional meeting 2018. Society for academic primary care south west regional. Our conference venue is the leonardo royal hotel southampton grand harbour please contact them direct to book, their details are below. This annual conference showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care from the uk and around the world in keynote presentations, parallel sessions of verbal presentations and workshops and will also feature a creative arts stream. To recieve our periodic roundup of primary care news, conference updates and funding opportunities etc. Sapc 2016 conference organising committee chair irene chait programme coordinator dain peters secretary and book display nicolette jordan tresurer dr nicola dugmore poster coordinators bea wirz and siobhan sweeney media cog enzo sinisi and candice dumas marketing dr manie vujovic website michelle scott consultants jenny twiggs, trevor. Book a meeting or conference room in dpag nuffield. Visit the conference website for all other information you need prior to attending the conference. However, for those who would still like a printed program, you may download your copy here, print it, and bring it with you.
Antalis uk are one of the uks biggest paper and packaging companies having joined james mcnaughton paper group in 1999, naomi has been in the specification team. Programme and abstract numbering the abstracts are listed in. As part of an established conference exchange programme between the uk and japan, you will hear presentations from three japanese doctors about examples of practice from japanese primary care. Pacific conference on structural engineering and construction easec12 one world many. Ces overview and housing assessment tools for adults and youth training. Accommodation south west sapc annual research meeting. Aslm2016 scientific programme download the aslm2016 programme book pdf.
Lahsa bridge housing for people exiting institutions. When will session submissions for annual conference 2021 open. Service standards, data reports, forms, training resources and more. Elevator pitch abstracts can be found on the sapc app and at. Sapc madingley hall 2017 faculty of medicine imperial. All booked delegates will receive a full refund of their registration fee. This is a great opportunity for you to share your work, join the conversation and shape the future of.
The scientific programme will once again include a wide range of sessions. When youre marketing a premium service, its important that the print emanates quality. South west society for academic primary care regional. The corporate branding of gold sponsors will be featured on national pharmacy awards trophies and awards, will be mentioned on the awards programme, in the epharmaciae, and sapc annual report, and will also have a halfpage advertisement in the conference programme. Naomi will be presenting creative paper in the digital age by 12 iconic designers, also introducing you to the new colours and textures now on offer from the paper book. It is true that whether you sell industrial power plants or sticky puddings, the better you know your customer and the better your customer knows you the more likely you are to make that first sale and the increasingly profitable sales that follow.
The department of physiology, anatomy and genetics is based on the science area, just 10 minutes walk from our offices in the roq. Abstracts can be viewed online by viewing the schedule programme below and clicking on the links to full abstract. Welcome to the south african pharmacy council sapc, the regulator established in terms of the pharmacy act, 1974 act 53 of 1974 to regulate pharmacists, pharmacy support personnel and pharmacy premises in. The conference in brief the sapc annual conference brings together researchers and educators from the primary care community to showcase their latest studies on any aspect of primary care. Europtrode2018 website realized by ferdinando parisi ireacnr powered by joomla. The refund process is the same as for annual conference. You can refer any queries to the reception desk staff, conference assistant, or to a member of the learning technologies team, who will be happy to help. The conference registration desk in the main foyer. Dr karen fairhurst conference cochair professor brian mckinstry programme cochair professor scott murray dangerous ideas professor david weller conference cochair conference organisers sue stewart and sharon pidgeon, sapc. Council is committed to provide quality service delivery. Sapc programme by miekeh 2014 lorraine clark sandplay adult clients using sandplay therapy as an adjunct to their talking therapy. Download the conference programme at the foot of this page. The authors will present their latest research results and the meeting will allow for an abundance of opportunities to meet colleagues in your related fields from across the globe. South west sapc at southampton 2019 the south west regional meeting of the society for academic primary care, leonardo royal hotel southampton grand harbour 14 march 2019.
The bristol hotel conference venue a special rate has been agreed with the hotel for delegates. Raptor research foundation 2009 annual conference pitlochry, scotland 29 september 4 october 2009 conference programme book 1. Whats in store at the 3 rd national pharmacy conference. Thats why this brochure and folder project for super yacht fine foods is special. Leonardo royal hotel southampton grand harbour west quay road southampton hampshire so15 1ag. Saturday 6th october 2018 sapc agm and annual lecture after genocide how ordinary jews face the holocaust speaker. The conference continues to offer excellent opportunities for delegates to discuss innovations in medicalhealthcare education as well as offering excellent networking opportunities. Jul, 2014 for those who were unable to make it to edinburgh for the 43rd annual conference of the society of academic primary care 9th 11th july, here is my roundup of highs, lows, and most importantly the best and worst ceilidh dancers at the conference dinner as ever with national conferences, sapc 2014 offered a pretty packed schedule. Refunds are credited back onto the card used to make the booking.
The sapc north team are looking forward to welcoming you to this years sapc north conference, the premier event for primary care researchers and educationalists in the north. Sapc 2016 conference organising committee chair irene chait programme coordinator dain peters secretary and book display nicolette jordan tresurer dr nicola dugmore poster coordinators bea wirz and siobhan sweeney media cog enzo sinisi and candice dumas marketing dr manie vujovic website michelle scott. Posted on november 8, 20 by no comments v to find out more about travel and accommodation click here download the conference programme at the foot of this page. Dr izabella penier programme and abstract book download and view updated 16.
This year, it is the honour of imperial college to take up the baton of organising this meeting of some of the best and brightest minds in medical education and research. Building primary care for the future research, education and. Thank you to everyone who attended our second print power event. There are international guestspeakers such as dr mike rouse, dr jennifer baumgartner and prof toyin tofade, we have a jampacked programme of topics and workshops.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. The conference is located in durham business school on mill hill lane in durham. This years conference brings together the latest primary care research from across the region, with over 70 talks and a poster exhibition. The university of oxford are delighted to be hosting the next annual south west regional conference of the society for academic primary care. Sapc conference programme 2015 by mark orriss issuu. Moving to pharmacy 2030 3rd national pharmacy conference, 36 oct 2019 pluggedin, engaged, become a catalyst for change programme time item presenter 09. Wifi access wifi access is available in the durham university business school. Guest speaker gary castell, cansco well control case study. Informal feedback suggests that this years sapc regional conference, hosted by the centre for health sciences barts and the london school of medicine and dentistry, was a great success. The theme for the 2018 sw sapc meeting was building primary care for the future research, education and practice we particularly welcomed applications for clinical, service development, workforce and educational research presentations at the conference. South west society for academic primary care regional meeting. This is a great opportunity for you to share your work, join the conversation and shape the future of primary care.
By switching to eposters printing of poster materials by delegates is avoided. Make sure you register for the 3 rd national pharmacy conference by clicking here. Sapc conference 2018 couch and country following on from the successful couch and country conference in cape town, 2016, the south african psychoanalytic confederation continues the dialogue with another conference, this time in johannesburg. Sapc conference programme 2014 by mark orriss issuu. As an emerging new system of primary care, this session provides an exciting opportunity to compare and contrast our primary care systems and promote. St austell printing company and business cornwall magazine hosted their second print power event, which took place on thursday 11th july 2019. Raptor research foundation 2009 annual conference pitlochry. If the meeting is for university business or teaching, then the hire of the room is currently free. Sapc next meeting closing comments from dave formas. To find out more about travel and accommodation click here. The aslm2016 scientific programme aims to serve as a platform for the international laboratory medicine community to share best practices, acquire knowledge, and debate innovative approaches for combatting global health threats together. Weve had some great feedback from the event, and we hope our attendees found it useful.
The society for academic primary care sapc has held conferences at madingley hall for more than 20 years now. Sapc special session meeting june 27, 2016 location. Sandplay allows the client to be availableto their innermost feelings represented in an image, and allows accessto their outer world and an opportunity to explore their inner world in a nonverbal way. Ncta has moved away from printed programs, and instead, is using a mobile app. The city of london corporation is a uniquely diverse organisation which has its origins in the 12th century when the city as a trading centre became so important to england that the crown granted its people their own form of local government.
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